Disclosures and Disclaimers


            Health Whipped Up uses various forms of monetization including advertising, affiliate marketing and sponsorship. I will often include links in my articles to products or services that I personally believe in, from which I receive no commission whatsoever. However, some links may lead to affiliated merchants, and I will receive a commission. I do not intend to ever put profit before the quality of my information, but some financial return helps me be able to continue posting articles and recipes. Finally, I only promote products I personally believe are good quality, but I make no warranties or other promises regarding the nature or quality of those products. Any purchases you make from affiliates is purely between you and them.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


            While I often will post well-researched information regarding health and wellness topics, I am not a medical or nutritional professional. Therefore, none of the information on Health Whipped Up should be relied upon as medical advice. My advice is intended to help people live a happier day to day life and, hopefully, feel physically better along the way. However, if you are experiencing any health issues or have any concerns, you should seek the advice of a doctor or other professional.

Privacy Policy

I respect your privacy and will certainly not send you spam! Read my full privacy policy here.